4 secrets to creating a perfect autumn skincare routine from Lorena Vilcu Cioboata
The moment to switch the lightweight summer skincare products for richer alternatives has come.
With autumn already here, it’s the perfect moment to talk skincare. The fall brings cooler weather and a drop of humidity that makes the air drier and your skin even drier. “Mix this with the heat from radiator and you get the perfect combination for a skin disaster like red and dry skin” says Lorena Vilcu Cioboata, a professional makeup artist and creator of the well-known brand of cosmetic pigments AMA Pigments.
September is the perfect month to reassess your skincare routine, as it makes the transition from summer to the colder season. “As seasons change, so should your skincare routine” explains Lorena, “A minor tweak can make a huge difference in the quality of your skin.”
Here are 4 tips from Lorena to prevent autumn-related skincare issues.
Try a thicker moisturizer
It’s the moment to put aside your lightweight moisturizer and get a heftier hydrator. The products that contain ceramides are the best as they include essential healthy fatty acids that naturally occur in the skin, but the cold weather impacts its ability to produce them. The ceramides are essential because they create a skin barrier that prevents irritation and dryness. Together with ceramides products, also use a hyaluronic acid-based serum to complete the moisturizing routine and add another layer of hydration.
Cut back on exfoliating
As the colder days come, cut back the products that contain glycolic acid and retinoids because it’s easy to over exfoliate during the cold season when the skin is sensitive. Over exfoliation causes small cracks in your skin barrier and therefore triggers inflammation and a higher loss of hydration.
Get a humidifier
As you turn on the heat inside your house you facilitate a threat to affect your skin. Low humidity levels degrade your skin’s natural moisture barrier and cause peeling, cracking, and flaking. The easiest way to improve hydration inside your house is to use a humidifier.
Use body lotion
Not only you face skin will start to feel itchy and dry as the colder days come, but also your body skin. There is less moisture in the air to facilitate its hydration, and therefore you should provide it with extra help. The quickest way to prevent itch is to hydrate yourself from head to toe. A rich moisturizer will provide your skin with a barrier that retains hydration and draw it to the outer skin layers.
Here are Lorena’s suggestions for how to keep your skin in top shape this fall. Do you have any others? Share them with us!
Be AMAzing!
Content Creator: Alina Dumitrascu