On the 1st of October, AMA witches challenges all makeup enthusiasts to create a Halloween inspired makeup.

Halloween has always been a time for celebration for AMA Pigments teams because it’s the perfect occasion to create makeup playing with the most interesting pigments in the collection. If for other occasions, nude pigments in warm tones and with plenty of sparkle would have been the stars of the makeup, for Halloween, AMA witches use the boldest pigments, from bloody reds, to midnight blues, and goblin greens.

What did the challenge imply?

All participants had to create a makeup with the Halloween Glam theme, and upload it on their Instagram pages until the 16th of October.

AMA witches picked the winning Halloween makeups (they made sure all makeups meet the values AMA Pigments promotes) and here we are announcing the most talented makeup artists in Romania.

  1. Gavrilut Madalina Patricia
  2. Nora Cimpean
  3. Andras Larisa
  4. Iacus Mihut Adela
  5. Costin Diana Cristina
  6. Golduț Raluca Nicoleta
  7. Harabagiu Elena
  8. Georgescu Cristina-Alexandra
  9. Crăciun Andreea-Alexandra
  10. Lestyan Antonia
  11. Tal Claudia-Titina
  12. Buhai Alida Oana
  13. Radu Elena
  14. Porcescu Camelia
  15. Lazar Andra Ioana
  16. Luminita Moldovan
  17. Cristina Spiridon
  18. Violeta Necsoi




